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/ Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library / LANGUAGE OS.iso / cpp_libs / cool / cool.lha / ice / papers / cool-core.ps (.svg) < prev    next >
Encapsulated PostScript  |  1991-09-04  |  263KB  |  624x804  |  8-bit (120 colors)
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OCR: aMot omput ne nt classes, tem ates, a macr f C++ Orie ed Li ary (COOL) is a c lecti complex applications. It raises the level of abstraction for the programmer to concentrate on im eme i se ta str t es, macra a classes. In a ti COOL also dependent software platform on top of which applications are built, since COOL encapsulates cific ftility as te/time a ai i TS r sc ses 1 fli nfor on hnology oup ess a macr S eterized templates sa Pac Orphic management i i style and conventions évare a bj rewt br ol on of pl nd ece, an re C++ class li ar dom, the Bideto alhieve compatible and seamless integration of new or modined a 4, w, t is will be necessary in order to i be probl da ddi on r es a ed a li st maj tec i t, t can Sa aper should be used as an and in understanding the cool hi Plibrary, its organization, structure, fl ed to all ts pape, di, us S es t rea r to le aw C++ F me tailed i mati topic, the reaplarcis rofermeil to thes appropriate section(s) of the COOL User's manual[2]. d M r ymbol nd kage facility is ge st &n handing sta rd ANSI C macro e essi fti a ila e with nent. The COOL preprocessor is a modified tokenizing ANSI C preprocessor that allows a pro- ta ndi in an ed e es- erfee ri ma r. T se etical br y. d compiler independent and can execute arbitrary filter programs or macro expanders on C++ Macr sast pie t qfs ha t *meterized fem aves alaning med afow ng t blished by Bjarne Stroustrup[3]. Others provide significant language features and enhanced dimmer hirape out neilahee with c hnologi domenemos de Ibum n ohw at once a macro is expanded, the resulting code is conventional C++ 2.0 syntax acceptable to nd travolt cum lete de have orking know dge of 1] or or de nfor 2. ос or an ac os xt ns on he nda pr proc ng unc ons và ul xt ns ons he unobt us ve hi nhanc pl he de ne pow gr ode gm nt pow ny onfor or he progr ng os uc hos ha uppor pa he ofor unava bl nguage ns or or ompi ar onvent ona pl nne pl nt os or us by pro- pro- he ol ow ng uch, ow hi on nd bl pr proc nt ons of heor ons por nt